I’ve made some minor changes to the site, including licensing my material under a Creative Commons license (attribution, noncommercial, no derivative works), except for comments, which (like it says) belong to whoever posts ’em. I’m not particularly worried about the comment thing, but it just kinda makes sense to me after reading the previously mentioned (June 10) discussion over at Metafilter. And what with dealing with my mother’s estate, I’ve had enough of lawyers for a while. But so anyway I was a little uneasy about posting my ideas relating to the dissertation here, and now I feel like the material’s protected but still shareable, which is a good thing.
And I’m grateful to the kind Heather Champ for the permission to quote her obligatory legal statement 🙂 .
I was a little uneasy about posting my ideas relating to the dissertation here
I hear you. I’ve yet to get up the courage for this. Of course, in my case, it’s also related to trying to keep my anonymity intact, but more a fear of my ideas escaping before I’m ready to let them go.