It’s been a busy week and a busy weekend, which is why I skipped a day yesterday. (My goal here has been and continues to be to keep myself in the habit of daily writing.) I’ll be putting together at least a couple responses and an entry on Gibson-Graham tonight, and maybe more coherent thoughts about my meetings with Charlie and Donna sometime tomorrow. The very basic version of Jason’s Hogmalion business venture (yeah, some of the humor there probably won’t be everybody’s cup of tea, but it’s a little more clever than what Clancy recently linked to, as I think Clancy herself might argue) is up and running on his own domain now, since we’ve solved our little FTP problem, and I’ll be taking the version off of my server. (In recompense for services, which really wasn’t necessary since we had a good time putting it together but hey I won’t refuse, I’m now the proud owner of a Sofftklübb — minimum security, maximum fun; that’s my friend from high school who writes some pretty smart stuff for PopMatters wearing it on his head — which Tink and Zeugma enjoy wrestling with, and I’m thinking about getting one of those snazzy Loveland Security posters for the guest bathroom here.) And there’s still work to be done on getting the Writing Program Web site up and running before school starts, and I gotta get my syllabus put together this week too, and finish revising that essay, and put something together for IRB approval. . . Busy, busy, busy.
All that said, I’m looking forward to school starting again.
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