I think I know why I got that comment spam: I Googled “grading papers” and sure enough my entry is (at this moment, at least) number two on the list. Better yet: I’ve also currently got the Google silver for “fancy words“. I’m practically beside myself.
Not that it’ll last or anything. It’s just that, with a name like mine, I don’t get Googled all that often. Far less often than, say, the lead singer for Jesus Jones, or that Nascar guy, or that composer, or the soccer player. So I’ll take “grading papers” and “fancy words” and whistle all the way to, uh, to the, you know. To the somewhere. Out there.
Yeah, so maybe it’s not all that great an achievement. Modest pleasures.
Next week, I’ll tell you all about the excitement of my sock drawer.
Check this out. Pretty cool when it’s just my first name.
that is cool, clancy 🙂
Wow, Clancy, you’re like Cher! 😉
Oh, the multitudes that come to my site looking for information on their dogs. Never mind that Google politely wonders “Did you mean Rottweiler?” They click on through. I actually added a piece of Javascript to my index and archive templates to warn folks coming in from search engines that I don’t write about dogs. But the whole damn page has to be rendered before it runs…Grrr….
I have that curiously, keep showing up together: “dead brain” and “organizing your life”. Those po folks.
Holy crap! I won the Google Gold for curriculum vita!