Vampire Pirate at the Hospital

This won’t be much of a Friday non-dissertational, I’m afraid, ’cause it wasn’t much of a Friday night. Wound up having to go down to the hospital — nothing dire, don’t worry, but I originally thought it was, which is why I went — and, well, it was Halloween at the hospital. I looked kinda like Frankenstein having a bunch of wires hooked up to my chest and arms and legs, but that wasn’t the worst of it. I did a double-take when the tech came in to take my blood, since he was completely done up like a pirate: the frilly-sleeved lace-up white shirt open to show the chest hair, the tricorn hat, the eyepatch, the facial scar and sunburn makeup, the cutlass, the scarf, you name it. And he was carrying his little chest of syringes and vials. The only thing that could have made it better woulda been if he’d said “Trick or treat!” before taking my blood.

Then they gave me some drugs and sent me on my way. And my wonderful, kind friend who came to keep me company at the hospital took me out to dinner in Fat City afterwards.

I’m a lucky man.

Vampire Pirate at the Hospital

3 thoughts on “Vampire Pirate at the Hospital

  • November 1, 2003 at 8:56 pm

    Well, hell. Hope you’re feeling better now. Happy birthday…I posted a birthday wish on my blog too. It’s been great reading you the past however-long-it’s-been. That person I talked to recently who knows you probably mentioned that some days, I check your blog before my own email. :-o/:-)

  • November 1, 2003 at 9:47 pm

    I’m glad you’re OK and obviously, you need to expound on this. You stole my line, btw: I said I was a lucky woman earlier this week. (And it’s so original, I must have it for my own. ;)) But you got me so worked up with the pirate description, that I’ve forgotten what I intended to say…

  • November 2, 2003 at 12:12 am

    glad you are ok, mike, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

    gee, I wish johnny depp would take my blood sometime. . .

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