Sickbed Update

Still feeling like refried crap, but I think it’s starting to get better. I haven’t seen or spoken to a soul in the past two days, except for a couple phone calls: in that regard, I suppose I picked a good time to be sick, with classes done and no papers to grade except for the few that came in late. The past two days, I’ve done little more than stay in bed, in the hopes of sleeping this vile stuff away. I was thinking of posting some lyrics yesterday, maybe to “La Grippe” or to “Government Flu”, since I had nothing like the energy to come up with anything original, but, well, a little praeteritio will have to suffice.

Back to bed. Maybe another 12 hours will help.

Sickbed Update

4 thoughts on “Sickbed Update

  • December 14, 2003 at 1:17 pm

    Poor Mike! I hope you get over this thing soon.

  • December 14, 2003 at 11:54 pm

    Ditto! This seems to be taking a toll. Hope it’s not the glorified flu and a few days of stress-free rest after the semester end will do you right.

  • December 15, 2003 at 4:27 pm

    Cindy, Michelle, Amanda, Clancy, John — thanks for the kind wishes. Unfortunately, as I noted today, it looks like it’s gonna be later rather than sooner before I get better. The doc tells me tomorrow whether it’s viral or bacterial.

    Dang, I wish I’d done my Christmas shopping earlier.

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