
3 thoughts on “Orkut

  • February 8, 2004 at 9:50 pm

    You got THAT right! And don’t get me started on how classed it is too. Look at those “Today’s fortune” messages every day. Today’s is “You have an important new business development shaping up.” They’re always something like that–“Your new business venture will be successful,” etc.

  • February 9, 2004 at 6:27 pm

    Did you see the alternate image the Jeneane posted? Tutor posted a link in case you didn’t.

  • February 10, 2004 at 12:58 am

    You guys are on it? I got an invite and I joined, but I don’t seem to know anyone else there and am currently hiding in a photo-less corner with only one friend to my name, feeling like the wallflower at the high school dance.

    (Er, and now I feel doubly pathetic for admitting that. Carry on…)

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