At the Cs

Before heading off to CCCC in San Antonio, I’m busy making some last-minute preparations: note for the cat-sitter, fresh litter in the boxes, trash out, clothes washed, long-term parking located, laptop batteries charged, and all that. Naturally, I’m planning on blogging at least some of the presentations I attend.

From a quick skim of the online program, here are some of the titles (as usual, there are many groaners and clunkers: aren’t these people supposed to be writing teachers?) that look interesting:

Wednesday 9:00-12:30

MW.3 Pixels, Paints, and Operating Tables: Experimental Writing Workshops and the First-Year Writing Program.

Um, well, this is the one at which I’m co-presenting. We’re doing a brief session on a group writing exercise we taught in an experimental writing workshop on surrealism and the avant-garde in last year’s spring semester. It has to do with magazines and syllogisms, and when we did it last year, I came up with “Events That Led to My Divorce”. There’ll be lots of other fun, cool presentations, too.

Wednesday 1:30-5:00

AW.10 Classin’ Up the Joint: Class as a Critical Tool in High School, Access, and College Composition

“This workshop

At the Cs