Lest I be perceived as someone who blogs only the presentations, I’ll note that I had a fine time away from the panels, as well. It was terrific to run into the Pitt folks again, especially Malkiel, and I saw them briefly at the Friday night CCCC dance, where I also learned — after twenty-plus years of wondering — what it looks like to dance to “Sweet Home Alabama”. (One kind of sways, apparently. In that way, it’s a lot like the worst-ever song for dancing, GNR’s “Civil War”. Worst for dancing meaning, you know, excepting John Zorn and the like. And if you’re at CCCC, rhythm really isn’t all that much of a concern, and becomes less so the more drinks you have on Friday night.) I also had a fine time at Wednesday night’s dinner with the blogging folks, and at Thursday night’s dinner with the contingent of 30+ of my institution’s faculty, students, and veterans, with my only gripe being that my peers at Big State U seemed to bolt their dinners and quickly disperse in every direction: so much for any sort of institutional cohesion or community. Still, I managed to spend a good bit of time with Dennis, Clancy, and Charlie, all of whom are fine and pleasant people whose company made me wish I’d met them in person long ago. Clancy does a great karaoke version of Nancy Sinatra’s “These Boots Are Made for Walkin'”, and I had a few big bar tabs, and made a bunch of new acquaintances.
And, OK, finally: here are the boots.
Tink and Zeugma greeted me at the door. I’m gonna go put on some Warren Zevon, pour myself some red wine, take off my boots, and enjoy being here with the girls. It’s nice to be back home.
Ooohh, nice boots! I almost got boot envy, even if I am more the hiking boot type of person. If I didn’t think the blogosphere would decide I am a total shoe fetishist – particularly red shoe fetishist – I’d post pictures of the shoes and boots I bought in New York at this visit. And I still have this urge to go shoeshopping again. Must… have… more… shoes…
Torill…you like red shoes? Well, have a look at my red boots. [grin]
Temptress! Evil wicked agent of the red shoe demon! They look great 🙂
One of my husband’s strategies to get me to agree on buying the house we live in now: “Look, there’s even a shoe closet!” Not that it mattered, I really agreed to that house for the view…
Clancy: love ’em. Torill: the ones you posted are terrific. But I think women can get away with wearing red shoes a little more easily than men.