Last year, the brilliant miniaturist Michael Barrish wrote an entry titled “C0cksucker” that begins, “So it
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Last year, the brilliant miniaturist Michael Barrish wrote an entry titled “C0cksucker” that begins, “So it
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Howling with laughter here. Howling. Oh, this makes the massive amounts of spam I’ve been getting almost bearable.
(“1nV3rt3d cr0w”? Isn’t that a yoga pose?)
This is great!
BTW, I just had to read one of my pieces of spam yesterday, which in unscrambled, sort-of English, promised not only penis enlargement but also multiple orgasms, increased hardness and staying power, more sperms (!), and longer (as in distance) ejaculates, all in one tiny herbal pill!!
I remember when I used to get five different spam messages for all those, um, outcomes so maybe things are improving 😉
“Outcomes”? Oh, Cindy, you’re bad.
And I can’t help but think of that Cake song with the chorus, “he’s going for distance / he’s going for speed”. Are there men who worry about not coming far enough? (“Watch this, Elmer. I can hit a squirrel’s eye at three hundred meters.”)
Maybe if you’re a porn star?
Thanks for a few great laughs!