No, it’s not some silly psychedelia lyric; it’s an A. A. Milne reference, to Now We Are Six. Maybe When We Were Very Young would have been better: yes, this place is one year old today.
Some statistics: 346 entries and 605 generous comments (not including comment spam) in 365 days, for a total of 299,455 words (including comments), or an average of 865.5 words every 1.055 days. Basically, a page a day, which means it’s time to speed up some if I’m going to get this dissertation done.
I didn’t, however, disinclude the “Asides” or “Friday Non-Dissertational” or “About This Place” categories, for the simple reason that I feel they’re very much a part of the dissertation-writing process, even if they’re not directly on topic. I hope that’s something that teaching writing has taught me: although it may not always look like it connects to the assignment, it can still help one move forward.
Which is also the reason I didn’t disinclude comments from the word count. The arguments, support, input, questions, criticism, advice, and explanations I’ve gotten from all of you who’ve commented here have been invaluable, and I hope the writing I’ll do here in the coming year does justice to the feedback you’ve been kind enough to give in the past. I don’t know how folks do dissertations with “just” a committee: I couldn’t imagine doing this sort of work without a weblog.
Which is all a way of saying: thanks, y’all.
Congrats on a year of work (and recognizing that your Asides and Friday nights contribute to it). Everyone seems to be celebrating blog anniversaries now. I passed mine on the old spot before I left it, quite without a thought.
“346 entries”
it’s quality, not quantity.
just kidding 🙂
so, when are we switching you to open source blog software? (hehe)
Actually, I just tested an install of WordPress — shockingly easy stuff. Like they promise, it took less than five minutes from download to up and running. Seems like WordPress might be good for low-overhead, single-author weblogs, while Drupal has the power for more sophisticated tasks. But yeah, I’ll definitely be playing around with Drupal in the coming weeks.
Happy blog-day!
Happy Birthday, V i t i a !
I’ve really enjoyed being able to look in on your reading/thinking in progress. Been able to do some of that with Charlie and Clancy and a few others.
Blogs like yours create the possibility of conversations among university/non-university compositionists that had little chance of happening in BW (before Web).