Weekend Achievements

Things I achieved this weekend:

  • Did a big, bold CSS re-design of our main course weblog. Very pleased with myself. Also got all the student-weblog-shuffling-after-add/drop completed.
  • Upgraded the courseware to from 3.0 to 3.11: kinda complicated, but still not quite as intimidating as Drupal. Which I’m still working on.
  • Gave a big chunk of money (well, “big” being relative to my bi-weekly paycheck) to the DNC.
  • Donated six boxes of books to the local library.
  • Finally got everything all cleaned up after last weekend’s Bad Poetry Party.
  • Made a really good salad with spring greens, arugula, black olives, scallions, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, bean sprouts, and a little bit of smoked mackerel. Shared it with a friend.

Things I’m still working on:

  • Reading Howard Tinberg.
  • Dissertating.
  • Laundry.
  • Putting off scooping the cat boxes.

Updates to follow as events warrant. Yes, I know it’s riveting stuff. Stay glued to your monitors, folks.

Weekend Achievements

6 thoughts on “Weekend Achievements

  • September 27, 2004 at 12:01 am

    Here’s mine:

    Wrote a response for the “Digressions” section of Lore on academic blogging.

    Worked on coding my prelims into HTML. Not done yet, but close.

    Got all done-up early 90s style to attend the canciversary party. Danced for hours to early 90s bootie jam with graduate students in the American Studies department at said party.

    Did lots of teaching work, including blog post topics for the next few weeks, peer review handout, activity planning, etc.

    Bought way too many CDs at Cheapo Discs. Also went to Target for gel pens and photo albums.

    Cat-sat for a friend who was out of town.

    Watched part of the movie Starsky & Hutch but lost interest (quelle surprise!).

    Engaged in rapid-fire email exchanged with several students who were doing research for their papers and needed help with search terms and indexes.

    Did extra exercise because I wasn’t in a hurry to get somewhere in the mornings.

    And more that’s too boring to talk about. 🙂

  • September 27, 2004 at 12:03 am

    Oops, that should be “exchanges.”

  • September 27, 2004 at 12:09 am

    Attention… shhskkrrtthh — this thing on? Mike Edwards is making bulleted lists. On his blog. Blog world has gone awry and never to be immense again. If he begins the cutesy practice of strike-through, please email me immediately, then strike me (please), and carve WTF on my forehead before burying me.


  • September 27, 2004 at 12:33 am

    Somehow, I’m picturing Chel diggin on some Eminem from that last comment. It must be the mic thing, Chel. So now I’ve got his disc goin on the stereo myself, and you know, I’m thinking I might might go do the cat boxes right now for the sole purpose of doin that cutesy strike-through on the post above.


  • September 27, 2004 at 12:57 am

    NuuuhOOOoo. Don’t do it, man. Don’t do it. Strike-through is for people who see color and nothing else, just the pretty, my pet!

    Alright, I admit: I haven’t figured out how to do it because otherwise I would, great list-maker that I am but still — Mike, not you. You are my last bastion of the stalwart blogger!

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