Well that was an underwhelming Super Bowl. I’m a ‘Skins and a Steelers fan, so I wasn’t rooting for either the Eagles or the Patriots, but still, even though it was a close game, it wasn’t like either team played particularly well. Couple that to an insipid half-time show (I certainly wasn’t looking for a wardrobe malfunction, but come on: just about anything is more engaging than four songs’ worth of Paul McCartney doing played-out AOR) and not even a single marginally interesting commercial and I’m reminded, yet again, why I rarely watch anything other than rented movies. I mean, even The Simpsons sucked tonight.
Meh. It even got to the point where I was reading Lindquist while waiting for the game to end. Well, there’s always next season, and maybe Coach Gibbs will hit his stride with the ‘Skins. Right now, I think it’s time for a little catnip and Post-It note action with the girls.
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