Back to the greens and greys — please, hit ‘reload’ in your browser to get the links to look right, and let me know of any inconsistencies or infelicities you see. (I’m colorblind — inherited all those recessive gene traits — so it’s often difficult for me to tell if something doesn’t quite look right, and no, I don’t need any jokes about no wonder why I dress so funny.) Feedback welcomed; I’m kinda proud of that title type-graphic logotype up top.
Mike, I like the new design, need to have you translate the post with Colonel Saunders, MM et al in it, and am trying to figure out where the greys are. I see green, black and white.
Some of the text is gray. I think you got the green just right, Mike.
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Thanks, Cindy, Joanna. The body text is (should be) dark gray, and only the titles actually black; some of the sidebar stuff, medium gray; followed links in body text, light gray. Joanna, the title for the picture translates: “In this sign thou shalt conquer.” A little surrealism via the emperor Constantine.
Cindy, I thought it was just old eyes, but yeah, now I can see that the text is grey.
Mike, I love the juxtaposition going on w/the logo.
Nice work, Mike. Personally, I’d prefer less black space in the title banner, but that’s quibbling.
Dennis and Michelle — thanks! The logo juxtaposition was intentional, and I’m happy that somebody caught it. It’s funny, too, Dennis, because when I first did the logotype, I thought it was too big and needed more black space. Different strokes, I guess.