Meetings on my side and theirs interfered with communications about the position today — phone tag, essentially — but I’m hoping that things will be finalized when we talk tomorrow afternoon. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well; it’s a place I like for lots of different reasons.
Other things are shaping up nicely as well, thanks to one colleague’s kindness and the writing skills of two other colleagues, and to top it all off, I was fortunate enough today to be able to turn in a glowing letter of recommendation for a former student. One of those days to make the past five months seem not quite so ambivalent and anxiety-ridden; one of those days to make “professionalization” seem not like such a vexed word.
(Don’t you dare jinx it for yourself, now, Mike.)
All fingers crossed for you. Keep us posted!
I’m gonna fire off a guess and say that you will be working at…..drumroll please…. University of Phoenix online. HAhaha. Just kidding. Can’t wait to hear the final news. (no offense to University of Phoenix)
And so….
Digits firmly crossed!
I accepted the job with the small, highly collegial (but rather unusual) English department. It was bar none the best, most friendly and interesting interview I had at MLA, and it was a highly enjoyable campus visit, as well. It’s a teaching job, very small class sizes, and I’ll be helping to shape their first-year composition program as well as teaching some literature courses. The school? I don’t want to be explicit until everything’s confirmed and the paperwork done, so let’s just say: a gorgeous campus somewhere on the Hudson; nationally known, with students who have strong academic skills and—rather curiously—all dress head-to-toe in gray. 😉
If you know my history, and know the old saying about taking the girl out of the country but not the country out of the girl, you’ll laugh.
Blast, but I don’t know your history! I’m just nosey!
Mike, is there a POINT to all of this? Is it on the WEST side of the Hudson?
Yes—congratulations, indeed. Good goin’.
Also: the director of the Center for Teaching Excellence at what I assume is your As-Yet-Unnamed-Institution is an old friend from my WVU days; be sure to give her my warm regards.
Visit my blog and see what your cats have been up to while your back was turned.
Congratulations, Mike! :O)
Thanks for the good thoughts, y’all. Joanna, between your blog and their romp this morning, my cats have been busy indeed: while I was taking a shower, I heard some thumping and cat-fussing that indicated they were having their usual chase-around-the-apartment wrestling and boxing (my favorite is when they both get up on their hind legs and bat at one another until Tink puts her paw on the top of Zeugma’s head and that’s the sign that it’s done), when all of a sudden Tink comes hurtling into the shower, gets soaked, scrambles, and bolts right back out. I’m thinking she probably regretted getting that caught up in the moment.
Wow. Congrats, Mike!
Do you have to dresss head to toe gray?
Nope. Plain old normal clothes are fine for instructors like me.
Wonderful news. Congratulations!
Well, I have no idea what school you’re talking about, but I know you’ll say it at some point. If you’re happy, then congrats!
Congratulations! Sounds like you didn’t jinx it at all. 🙂
I do hope this works out for you. A “Marxian Compositionist”? Well, Freedom is on the March and you can show them how to language it. Composition, Class, and Empire. Go for it.
Congrats!!!!! I’m so happy for you!