Friday cat blogging:
Night. In my work area, Tink knows where to recline: atop 222 pages of committee-submitted dissertation. She’s idly pawing at the thumb drive that holds my backup copy.
Day. The other side of the office. Again, Tink’s got the paw out. Zeugma grooms herself between my empty reading rack, my full to-do file, and some photocopied essays on class, along with Benkler’s “Coase’s Penguin” and Gibson-Graham’s A Postcapitalist Politics.
You’ve brought the Friday cat blogging genre to a whole new level here. It’s–if I may say so–very materialist: showing the intersection of the materials of professional/daily life with the daily habits of cats. Just my kinda post.
(And Tink has very lovely tabby swirls that I’m not sure I’ve ever commented upon.)
I agree, it’s good, but this is still Mike’s Best. Catblogging. Post. EVAR.
Donna, I agree about the intersections depicted here, but I would quibble over the word “intersect.” “Subsume” might work, or perhaps “subordinate,” or “makes a comfortable place to nap,” as in “Mike’s dissertation makes a comfortable place for a cat nap.”
Seven days, Mike. How are you holding up?