It’s a little weird to realize there are probably things happening around campus (or, as the military faculty say, around post) that I really, really shouldn’t be blogging about because they’re security concerns. So: suffice to say that the intersection of higher education and the Army produces some interesting moments, particularly when there are occasional projected official anti-terrorism excercises including staged “hostage events” and briefings on “hopefully notional” explosions.
I’m getting accustomed to the occasional loud noises here as cadets engage in the military component of their educations, but some of the stuff here still gives me pause.
In other news, Verizon has managed to foul things up yet again, and dropped my home DSL connection. They admit it’s their mistake, and they’re giving me two months’ free DSL by way of apology, but it’s going to be a few days until they get things working and I once again have internet access from home — so if you’ve tried to e-mail me and had it bounced back, now you know why. Grr.
Sorry about posting off topic, just wondering how things are going. I met one of your colleagues this summer in an abandoned quarry in UpState NY this summer. He (I have spaced his name) is a marksmanship instructor, we were both fossil hunting.
What a drag–we’re thinking about switching from Verizon. Actually, once we get settled, we’re going to put a lot of thought into all of our communication systems and get things up to date and organized. We want to create a network and also start using Skype more often. The thing that gives me pause is figuring out the relative cost merits of the different providers.
Without giving out too much information, can you hear the on-campus “exercises” at home?