Sick with the burbly chest-cough. I want to post my last CCCC notes, but I keep getting too tired, doing curriculum stuff, trying and failing to read. Tea’s no good, and all the leftovers suck when you feel like this, even the gumbo, which has good fresh okra and shrimps and peppers in it, and which I’m not even interested in right now.
Cadets: “You don’t sound so good, sir. Maybe a short class today?”
On the good side, Tink and Zeugma seem to like that I have something approximating a nocturnal purr/gurgle, and curled up with me the last couple nights.
Oof. Doesn’t sound good. Thanks goodness for the loveliness of cats. Get well!
I hope you get feeling better soon.
Thanks, Donna, John. Nothing quite like working on CCCC proposals when you’re goofed on cold meds.
Well, now you’re the Alpha Cat. Get better, soon. When is the semester over for you?