If you know me and my writing, you may (or may not) know that my younger brother has served a prison sentence. He’s out now, doing good and doing well; gregarious, forthright, smart, altruistic, and dedicated. And I couldn’t not share this email from him, including a recent snapshot with the Governor at an Orioles game at Camden Yards:
Bumped into the Gov.
He said excuse me.
I said Pardon me, please.
such the wit! I’m glad to hear that he’s doing well.
That’s good! I’m also glad to hear that he’s doing well.
I’ve read. I’ve seen. I’m so happy for you both.
And the governor’s response?
Great shot of David – oh, and the Gov. Just shared a Sunday service with him at PBUUC. It was wonderful to see him. Makes me feel really good to know he’s doing so well. And you too, David.
Ooops, I should have said, and you to Michael. (Senior moment here…)