Tink: Striker; Zeugma: Grappler

When they mock-fight, Zeugma always goes to the ground. If my dining room’s the Octagon, Zeugma’s my Hoyce Gracie. Tink, while more tentative, has her own moves, and she’s good about cornering and using those front paws in conjunction with her weight: she’ll get in close to put Zeugma down, which Zeugma’s willing to do and go to work with the hind legs, but then she’ll break contact and go for the high ground, usually the arm of the chair, and whap Zeugma around the face from the stand-off distance.

Tink: Striker; Zeugma: Grappler

4 thoughts on “Tink: Striker; Zeugma: Grappler

  • April 11, 2008 at 8:47 pm

    Your dinner parties must really rock, Mike.

  • April 14, 2008 at 1:25 am

    After dessert, we dim the lights and I serve cordials — armagnac or absinthe , for the most part, excepting my attorney’s occasional demands for something “fruit-a-licious, motherfuckers, and this thing is loaded” — from the buffet.

    Zeugma likes to work from the third rope.

  • April 14, 2008 at 8:58 am

    Well, that’s Zeugma for ya. How many people/cats does it take to dim lights in your dining room? At my house, either Paul or I do the honors, but then again, our cats, who perform tableaux in the manner of 18th century upper class French culture, far prefer to use the family room (something to do with acoustics).

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