“Authenticity” as Last Refuge of the Lazy

I was intrigued to see two abiding concerns of compositionists rolled into one in the recent controversy over Helene Hegemann’s plagiarized/remixed novel Axolotl Roadkill. There’s the usual breast-beating and hair-tearing and garment-rending about these kids today from the usual choristers, but what I thought was interesting was the use of the trope of authenticity in service of defending representing someone else’s writing as one’s own. Hegemann, in her own defense, asserted that “There

“Authenticity” as Last Refuge of the Lazy
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One thought on ““Authenticity” as Last Refuge of the Lazy

  • February 20, 2010 at 3:56 pm

    I’m struck by your argument and how authentic it feels.

    (okay, you knew someone was going to say it.)

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