A few of the things I've published.

Unpacking the Universal Library: Digital Reading and the Recirculation of Economic Value
Pedagogy 16.1, 2015
The article's abstract: "Recent arguments against today's digital reading practices rely on contradictory implicit claims: that digital technologies harm the way we read, and that reading is a set of monolithic and unchanging practices. Both claims are mistaken. Digital reading practices illuminate the diverse forms of value in the labor and capital associated with textual work."

Economies of Writing, Without the Economics: Some Implications of Composition’s Economic Discourse as Represented in JAC 32.3–4
Rhetoric Review 33.3, 2014
The article's abstract: "Composition studies has recently increasingly engaged with economic concerns, as evidenced by the 2012 Watson Conference on "Economies of Writing" and a corresponding special issue of JAC. However, that increased engagement has not reflected an increased engagement with economic scholarship, resulting in a rhetoric that represents economy as either beyond intervention or a metaphor for non-economic phenomenon. Attention to economic scholarship can provide composition studies with a rhetoric that opens possibilities for economic agency."

Invited Review of Yochai Benkler's The Wealth of Networks
Journal of Business and Technical Communication 23.3, 2009
From the review: "Benkler’s project—driven by an examination of the effects of technological and economic change in the social and cultural spheres, including an abiding concern with the production and communication of information—also allows for extending the nascent project undertaken by scholars in writing studies to understand the writing classroom as a site that produces economic value."

Invited Review of (Joyce) Locke Carter's Market Matters
JAC 26.1–2, 2006
From the review: "We ought to understand, with Carter, how market value stands in relation to other forms of value—but we also ought to understand that valuing markets alone leaves us poor indeed. Both of those understandings compel more serious rigorous attention to the economies of writing instruction, and like Carter, I believe that an economic perspective can help those who work in composition and its associated disciplines develop a sorely needed understanding of the increasing link between economics and the practice of literacy."