Some of the less-recognized stuff I've done.

Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy
former Section Editor, Topoi
I got my start as an assistant editor at Kairos when I was a graduate student, and I worked with Cheryl and Doug and the rest of the amazing editorial staff for over fifteen years. The Topoi section publishes longer, feature-length pieces of award-winning cutting-edge multi-modal scholarship.

Intellectual Property Caucus and Committee
I got involved with the 4Cs Intellectual Property Caucus around 2009, and in 2013 was appointed to the Intellectual Property Committee, which was "charged with addressing and providing guidance on intellectual property issues that affect CCCC and NCTE and that impact writing instruction generally." I've also written a few items (2014, 2013, 2011) for the IP Annual.

Mentor, NMAA
National Training Mission, Afghanistan
In the first half of 2011, I deployed as a part of OEF to help develop Afghan postsecondary writing curricula and mentor Afghan college-level writing instructors. I detail my efforts in a Memorandum for Record, and also describe them in more academic terms in the 2014 collection Digital Rhetoric and Global Literacies (Verhulsdonck and Limbu, editors).